Duarte Mendonça 42 years of Jazz

Unfortunately for all of us, times are not for celebrations and anniversaries, but it is certain that Duarte Mendonça celebrates, in 2015, forty two (42) years of activity as a Producer and Promoter of Jazz concerts and festivals in Portugal,  Estoril Jazz being now, and since 1990 - 36 years - the most important and mediatic Festival taking place in the country.

Next the details of his long career , wich as musicologist and jazz amateur began in 1944 and professionaly in Cascais Jazz/74 by invitation of its mentor anounder Luís Vilas-BoasThe highlights of his activity can be found in the website under the tab "Milestones".

Notice that Duarte Mendonça is the older Producer, and the one that dedicates to Jazz Production in Portugal for longer.

Press conference 1974 at Hot Clube de Portugal

DM with Luis Vilas-Boas at Cascais Jazz 1975 

Please note that  Duarte Mendonça is by far the entity / music lover that most jazz musicians, mainly Americans presented in Portugal (see "Artists" on the website) and also with major premieres of lesser known musicians, even with prejudice to himself (box office incoming) always risking in order to introduce to our country young talents.

JAZZ, being north american, as we all know, is facing a serius crisis in the European market.

80% of the Festivals are a hodgepodge with "alternative music", which I do not exactly know what it is, and 20% of "Jazz", equal to the one I present in the annual Cascais Jazz /Estoril Jazz for 40 years!

And I will remain faithful to my principles until the end of my days!

Jazz still is the best music in the World (even in a context of global crisis!)


PS: Colaboration and mutual help of all my jazzistic friends will be welcome and essential to the survival of  Estoril Jazz.